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FORBES ARTICLE: Eight in Ten Leaders Want Intelligent Systems Success in Five Years But the Time to Start Blueprinting Is Now
FORBES ARTICLE: Eight in Ten Leaders Want Intelligent Systems Success in Five Years But the Time to Start Blueprinting Is Now
WEBINAR: The Modern RTOS: Deploying Applications Faster with Containers
WEBINAR: The Modern RTOS: Deploying Applications Faster with Containers
PODCAST: Exploring Security at the Intelligent Edge: Edge to Cloud & Container Security
PODCAST: Exploring Security at the Intelligent Edge: Edge to Cloud & Container Security
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A lifecycle security implementation approach for a containerized environment
How to select and integrate security controls and compliance tools to mitigate container vulnerabilities
Top considerations for container and Kubernetes technologies in cloud-to-edge architectures
What you will learn:
Use of containers and Kubernetes has skyrocketed over the last few years. At the same time, the necessity for cloud-native technologies to secure data, applications, and infrastructure is accepted fact. Yet 94% of respondents in a recent Kubernetes study cited at least one security incident in their Kubernetes environments in the last 12 months.
Taking a defense-in-depth approach is fundamental to securing a containerized environment, whether in the cloud or at the edge.
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Scott McGregor
Cloud Security, Wind River
+ Read Bio
With 15 years of software experience and eight years of securing cloud-native technologies, certification as a cloud security and secure software lifecycle professional, and an educational background in computer science and software engineering, Scott McGregor has a proven track record of assisting industry-leading customers in their security transformations.
Scott McGregor
Cloud Security,
Wind River
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