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If you are considering the move to vRAN or Open RAN, be sure to spend some time with us at our MWC booth in hall 2, 2F25. Wind River is the only company that has successfully designed, architected, and deployed a truly disaggregated Open RAN network for the largest global operators, while reducing OpEx and increasing agility for services, all in record time.
Ways to Engage
See how Wind River supports the projects most relevant to Open RAN.
Open Source Ingredients for Successful Open RAN
Wind River’s Paul Miller and Vodafone’s Yago Tenorio sit down at the DSP Leaders World Forum
to discuss their cooperation with Open RAN and what the future holds.
O-RAN Needs a New System Approach
Find out why CSPs choose Wind River for virtual and Open RAN.
11 Reasons Why Open RAN and vRAN Work Better with Wind River
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Live Workshops
Our Live Workshops
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Talk to an Expert
Talk to an Expert
See breakthrough optimizations on Intel Xeon Scalable processors, energy efficiency in collaboration with Vodafone, and the new pre-integrated Dell and Wind River Infrastructure Blocks solution.
See Our Demos
See Our Demos
Be sure to look for our technology at the Dell, Fujitsu, Samsung, and Vodafone booths as well!
Elsewhere at MWC
Elsewhere at MWC
Meet with our technical experts and executive team to discuss how we can help you achieve your vRAN and Open RAN objectives.
We will be hosting several workshops in our booth, including our Open RAN Accelerator Workshop preview plus workshops from key partners such as Intel , Dell, and Fujitsu.